The Ashland County Housing Authority provides weatherization services for these six counties and three Tribal Reservations in Northern Wisconsin: Ashland, Bayfield, Douglas, Oneida, Vilas and Iron Counties; Bad River, Red Cliff, and Lac du Flambeau Reservations.
The purpose of weatherization is to reduce energy consumption in the home so that usage is more efficient. Households that get their home weatherized can save up to $400 a year on energy costs.

Our Services
Depending on the results of an energy audit, your home may receive one or more of the following energy efficiency measures:
- Installing insulation: Adding insulation to the attic, walls, and crawl spaces helps reduce energy use and increases comfort.
- Sealing air leaks: Stopping air leaks will reduce cold drafts caused by unwanted holes in your home’s structure and may also improve the indoor air quality.
- Heating systems update: Replacing an inefficient furnace or boiler will save energy and money.
- Installing energy-efficient products: Replacing old lightbulbs with compact, fluorescent ones and old refrigerators with an Energy Star-qualified model will help reduce energy consumption. Additionally, installing new faucet aerators and shower heads will conserve water usage.
You may be eligible for weatherization services if you can fulfill these criteria:
- You receive benefits from Wisconsin’s Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) for the current program year.
- It has been 15 years since your house was last weatherized OR your home has never received weatherization services before.
- Your household consumes a high amount of energy based on therm-usage calculations.
How to Apply
To become eligible for weatherization services, you must first apply for energy assistance at your local county energy services (WHEAP) agency. To do this, you can apply online at or call your local county energy assistance agency:
- Douglas County Energy Services: (715) 718-2918
- Ashland County Health and Human Services: (715) 682-7004
- Bayfield County Department of Health and Human Services: (715) 373-6144
- Iron County Human Services: (715) 561-3636
- Oneida County Department of Social Services: (715) 362-5695
- Vilas County Energy Services: (715) 337-2124
- Bad River Social and Family Services: (715) 682-7127
- Red Cliff Department of Social Services: (715) 779-3706
- Lac Du Flambeau Economic Support: (715) 588-4235
After you apply, please call Nikki Sitzmann at (715) 274-8311 to apply for weatherization.
Over the Income Limits?
If you do not qualify for energy-saving measures based on income, call 1-800-762-7077 or visit, or for more information.